Picture waking up to a sudden, sharp discomfort coursing through the left side of your chest. While you're not struggling to breathe and your heart isn't racing, the pain is significant enough to make you ponder the possibility of a heart attack. This could be indicative of a condition known as costochondritis.
According to information from WebMD, costochondritis is characterized by inflammation of the cartilage connecting your ribs to the sternum in the center of your chest. This condition, a common source of chest pain, can affect both children and adults. The pain associated with costochondritis varies, ranging from sharp to dull, and may extend to other areas such as the back or abdomen. Movement or taking a breath may exacerbate the pain.
The exact cause of costochondritis is not precisely known, but several factors have been linked to its development. These include repeated minor injuries to the chest wall, repetitive arm movements, and viral infections of the respiratory tract. In rare instances, bacterial or fungal infections can also be culprits behind costochondritis.
Athletes who participate in wrestling, rugby, football, golf, or butterfly stroke swimming may be predisposed. Restrictions of the upper ribs may occur subsequent to carrying heavyweight on the shoulders or a whiplash injury.
Patients with biomechanical deficits, including a forward head posture, upper crossed syndrome, hyperkyphosis, scoliosis, or dysfunctional respiration may be predisposed to thoracic and rib dysfunction. Costovertebral and rib cage pain is a common complaint during pregnancy.
Costochondritis symptoms can kick in after sudden movements like coughing or sneezing, often linked to actions like twisting or reaching. People with this condition might feel pain to the side of the spine, sometimes spreading along the associated rib, and it can range from aching to sharp, shooting sensations. Some describe it like being "shot by an arrow." The pain may come and go, and folks might notice increased discomfort after activity, especially in the morning or when lying down. Taking a deep breath can also make things worse.
When you reach, push, or pull, the muscles around your shoulder blades get activated, and this might cause issues where those muscles attach. Problems in the upper part of your back might be triggered by movements like reaching or carrying heavy things on your shoulder, while issues in the middle and lower parts could be caused by bending, leaning to the side, or twisting.
If you have pain in your ribs or chest, it's common to worry about serious problems, but sometimes the real issue is not recognized, and that can have serious consequences. Pain and movement problems in the upper back are pretty common and can sometimes be misdiagnosed by manual medicine providers. It's important to know that not all upper back pain comes from mechanical problems, and it can sometimes coexist with more serious health issues.
Healthcare providers should carefully check for other symptoms, especially related to the heart, lungs, stomach, and kidneys, because sometimes pain in the upper back can actually be a sign of problems in these organs. For example, heart-related complaints might feel like pressure or squeezing in the middle of the chest, possibly spreading to the left arm and jaw, and getting worse with physical activity. In older people, especially those with a history of trauma, there's a need to consider the possibility of rib fractures.
Imagine studies are not generally warranted in the initial workup of simple costovertebral pain. Radiographs may be necessary in cases of “significant trauma”, suspicion of fracture or instability, age over 50, lack of improvement with conservative care, or neuromotor deficits.
The presence of red flags, including unexplained weight loss, history of cancer, corticosteroid use, osteoporosis, fever, or drug/alcohol abuse also warrants further investigation. However costochondritis can not be visualized on x-ray and even rib fractures may not be visible even if present.
Conservative care has been shown to be a cost-effective option for musculoskeletal chest pain related to rib dysfunction. Treatment should progress from restoration of joint mobility to stretching and myofascial release of hypertonic tissues, and finally, correction of postural faults. Initially, patients may need to limit moving their arm from a dependent position, including pushing and pulling. Women may benefit by temporarily switching to a sports bra to help better diffuse pressure over affected ribs. Anti-inflammatory modalities, including ice, interferential muscle stimulation, and ultrasound may be helpful. NSAIDs may help to temporarily reduce pain and inflammation.
Manipulation is the mainstay of treatment for costovertebral joint dysfunction and often leads to rapid recovery. The use of a foam roller may be beneficial. Stretching and myofascial release may be appropriate for the paraspinal, intercostal, and scapular stabilizing muscles. Clinicians should assess for and correct biomechanical deficits, including upper crossed syndrome, scapular dyskinesis and dysfunctional respiration. Scapular strengthening exercises are appropriate for patients with shoulder girdle dysfunction.
Simple acute costovertebral joint dysfunction and costochondritis typically responds very quickly to manual therapy and manipulation. If you think you may be experiencing rib pain, search “costochondritis chiropractor charlottesville va” or give us a call today (434)293-3800.
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Charlottesville, VA 22903