A lot of the aches and pains that we experience in daily life can be solved with Chiropractic care. If you haven’t visited a Chiropractor yet, here are some signals that it may be time to pay a visit.
You are having trouble with your daily activities: getting dressed, preparing meals, taking care of children, shopping, getting through your workday without pain, exercise and sports are limited.
You want to avoid opioid medication. Patients who see a chiropractor are 50% less likely to fill an opioid prescription than patients who don’t.
You might need to visit a chiropractic professional if you’ve had pain for longer than 3 weeks without seeing improvement in symptoms.
Your pain is not responding to more conservative treatments like over-the-counter medications, hot packs, or topical pain relievers.
You have increased pain at night, unexplained weight loss, changes in bowel/bladder function related to your back pain, visual disturbances, trouble speaking/swallowing, neck stiffness with a fever, progressive weakness, saddle paresthesias. If you have any of the above symptoms you should see your healthcare provider immediately. These are red flags and suggest a serious condition.
Looking for a Chiropractor in Charlottesville, VA? Contact us to book an appointment.
608 Preston Avenue, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22903