ART is a manual therapy technique that aims to enhance the musculoskeletal system’s mobility. This technique uses strategic soft tissue pin and stretch movements, massage techniques, and muscle-specific stretches to improve the health and mobility of nerves, fascia, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. If you search “active release therapy chiropractor near me” or ” active release chiropractic” you’ll find us because we are the only clinic certified in Active Release Technique in Charlottesville VA.
What conditions can be managed by ART?
Chiropractors use ART to manage a wide range of conditions, including:
Who may benefit from ART?
ART is exceptionally helpful for people living with chronic pain syndromes It can help patients ranging from the elderly to younger individuals who are actively involved in sport or other recreation. In addition, anyone who has been unable to get optimal pain relief through traditional treatment options may benefit from ART.
How do overuse muscle injuries develop?
Human muscles have a remarkable tendency to respond to stress, overuse of muscles, continuous repetitive motion, or sudden strong impact of force in the wrong direction. In such scenarios, musculoskeletal injury is mainly due to:
These conditions can stimulate the body to produce dense and tough scar tissue within the damaged area. This scar tissue limits the free movement of otherwise mobile elements in a joint cavity, leading to:
How are Active Release Techniques performed?
Each ART session combines examination and treatment. ART providers evaluates muscle and fascia tightness, flexibility, and texture. In addition, chiropractors assess the surrounding structures and components required for properly functioning nerves, ligaments, tendons and fascia (1). Following treatment pain, range of motion and strength may be reassessed.
Treatment via Active Release Techniques (ART) combines various techniques to manage scar tissue, adhesions and fibrous tissues, as well as nerve entrapments. The treatment protocols involve 500 specific protocols that may be applied to patients depending on:
Additional Resources:
ART website:
To see ART in Action:
608 Preston Avenue, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22903