Want to do better in school? Get more, restful sleep! We all know sleep is important but we might think of it more as an “eat your vegetables” important kind of way. In reality, we should be thinking about it more in a “this could impact my life, hopes and dreams” kind of way. That’s exactly what researchers are finding as we learn more and more about sleep and the value it brings.
Sleep is vital for so many functions and processes in the body: memory, cognitive function, blood pressure, hormone regulation (cortisol, insulin, leptin, grehlin, testosterone), healing, muscle recovery, immune system, etc., etc.,. And, it is especially important for children. Sleep deprivation can significantly impact a child’s performance in school.
While these are good gauges to check patters in your household, that’s just a starting place. Behavior can be a great clue.
Most likely, we could all make a few adjustments to get a better night’s sleep.
With these simple tips, you and your little ones will be sleeping sounding and reaping the benefits in no time!
Sam Spillman, DC
608 Preston Avenue, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22903