
Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI)

Femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition that affects the hip joint. The condition is caused by either a change in shape of the femoral neck or the socket (acetabulum) of the hip. These changes are usually the result of genetics and development in the early stages of life. Signs and symptoms usually do not present themselves early on in life, but may begin to cause problems later in life. If left untreated, some instances of FAI can lead to the onset of arthritis and the creation of labral tears.


Symptoms of FAI may include pain in the groin or lateral hip which can be sharp or dull in nature, mechanical sounds and symptoms including clicking, popping, or locking in the hip. Or hip range of motion deficits: internal rotation and flexion or pain with sitting or deep squats.


Physical therapy for this condition will usually focus on improving pain through manual therapy, light exercises, and education about the condition. Once symptoms are manageable, therapy focuses on restoring strength, balance, and stability of the hip joint through targeted exercise. The goal is to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint as much as possible to dissipate abnormal forces going to the joint structures.  You will be guided through your return to full activity helping you learn how to challenge your hip without overdoing it into reinjury. 

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