I know, not everyone thinks exercise is fun, and then others love it! I decided to compile a list of some of my favorite places to work out in Charlottesville. Now, we all know everyone should exercise. But just because you should do something doesn’t mean it actually happens. And continues to happen. I think that the most important thing with exercise is finding something that you actually enjoy doing. There is a reason the exercise guidelines are vague- it doesn’t matter so long as you do something and do it regularly. So you look forward to it, like it, and make it a priority. So take a look at the list below and see if it gives you some ideas. #cvillesweats
If you love being outside:
If you think Dance might be more your thing:
If you’d like to release your inner ninja:
If you want a rock solid core:
If you want to get bendy and you like the hot
If you want to try something adventurous:
Outdoor Adventures
You want an all round full body workout:
You’ve always wanted to be the Incredible Hulk:
You aren’t sure and want to try somethings:
There are countless other ways to get out and be active. Charlottesville is a wonderful area with loads of resources. This list is just the tip of the iceberg. A little googling and you are sure to find what you’re looking for. But exercise can be much more fun than staring at the treadmill in your basement with your sweatshirt hanging on it to dry… If you feel like you need help getting started, email sam@bcptva.com and I’ll help you.
608 Preston Avenue, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22903