Mattress Replacement
The age and quality of your mattress have a major impact on how you feel. A worn-out mattress can certainly contribute to back and neck problems. Most experts agree that traditional mattresses should be replaced every 5-8 years. A traditional mattress is one with springs inside, as opposed to a mattress made from memory foam or rubber. Since you spend about one-third of your life in bed, choosing the right mattress is critical. Unfortunately, mattress selection is a highly individual process as there is no single “best” mattress. It is also to remember that like with running shoes, spending more won’t necessarily guarantee you a better night. The following tips will help you make an informed decision:
• Choose a medium-firm model. Mattresses that are either too soft or excessively firm can aggravate back pain.
• Keep the pillow-top relatively thin. An excessively plush topper is the equivalent of placing a cheap mattress on top of a good one.
• Always replace the box spring foundation when you replace the mattress.
• Don’t choose the most expensive mattress in the store- but don’t set your budget unreasonably low. Bargain mattresses are not a good option. Your savings should be focused on avoiding unnecessary add-ons (mattress covers, custom sheets, pillows, etc).
• Look for vendors that provide an in-home warranty that allows you to exchange the mattress if it does not meet your expectations. I think this is very important, a good company will stand by their product.
• Your chiropractor may be able to provide additional suggestions to help you choose between coil spring, memory foam, water and air beds.
608 Preston Avenue, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22903