In honor of National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, I am inspired to share a personal story of courage and choice.
One of the most basic tricks in wakeboarding is the toeside frontside 180. This jump progression picture is showing the very first time I landed this trick. While wakeboarding behind a boat, there are often many people in that boat and all eyes are on you. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself in a position when you can fail miserably in front of many eyes. I love wakeboarding and I had it in my head that I would nail this landing. All I had to do was just get in that cold Canadian water and try.I had crashed and burned countless times. And then… I nailed it.
How many times in our lives are we faced with discouragement? I am faced with discouragement regularly. Whether it’s with work goals, relationships with other people, parenting challenges, problems with our health, fitness goals, important life changing decisions and the mundane struggles of life, it can be easy to give in to discouragement.
As a chiropractor, I see many people who had at one time, lived with pain on a daily basis. For many of these people chiropractic care was that first courageous step of taking control of their health.
Step by step and day by day our little courageous choices will bring about big results. So get your feet wet – or in my case, immerse yourself in that frigid Canadian water – and see yourself soar.
— Dr. Sarah-Ann Eng
608 Preston Avenue, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22903